Working to the designs of Macaulay Sinclair we have made a kaleidoscopic mix of specialist glass for Gusto restaurants in Birmingham, Chislehurst, Glasgow, Leamington Spa, Leeds, Liverpool, Lytham St Annes, Manchester and York.
Welcoming guests to the Gusto Manchester is our large feature antique mirror hand-painted with the Gusto logo. The signature green and amber of the lettering is picked up in the leaded lights we made for the bar canopy, kitchen pass, and above a bookcase in the private dining room. Sixty handcrafted antique bronze mirrors feature as slender architectural panels creating the curved dining booths. The private dining room screen is made with a variety of clear textured and kiln-formed glass. Both WCs have large antiqued vanity mirrors with heavily distressed borders.
For Gusto Glasgow, in a building previously housing Clydesdale Bank, we welcomed the opportunity to make four Macintosh inspired glazed screens using laminated coloured glass. We made kiln-formed textured glass for the entrance lobby doors and side screens, as well as the stained glass in the pelmets above the bar and kitchen pass areas.
Gusto Leeds say on their website that you’d be forgiven for thinking you had walked into an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, and so we like to think that our bespoke autumn bronze antiqued mirrors featuring in the booths and the back bar contribute to the shimmer. Large panels of our kiln-formed glass are set within a metal framework to create the entrance lobby. Clear kiln-formed glass is mixed with amber water glass in the privacy and banquette screens and long panels of leaded lights decorate the bar, pass screen and pelmets.